Friday, June 12, 2009

Objet D'Isturbing

Avery was busy in the office tonight. I heard her playing in there and after a while went in to investigate. This is what I found: On one hand, pretty artistic. On the other hand, I'm sleeping with the bedroom door locked.


dilettante07 said...

I'm afraid she'll just break the door down with an axe...or a chainsaw. You're doomed.

Erratic said...

I see you haven't had the "bondage is for grownups" talk yet. :)

Ri. Short for Maria. Not pronounced like the bread. said...

Meanwhile...what did she do with the shower curtain those things came from?

Brutalism said...

Tante - >sigh< I know you're right. Erratic - Just another talk I thought could wait a few more years. Ri - I shudder to think what became of that shower curtain...

Brutalism said...

And, P.S. That is a boy doll, in a dress, in bondage.

JenBC said...

Disturbingly creative. MoMA may have to consider creating a kids wing.

How much you want for it?

Amanda said...

Imagine the type of people you are going to get now - baby doll bondage - nice!

Brutalism said...

This is disturbingly similar to:

a) the Model as Muse exhibit at the Met -- except the doll would be wearing couture and would be suspended by its hair

b) David Carradine's final moments (right...I'm the only one who thought of that). Stop judging me.

dilettante07 said...

Was just about to note the homage to Mr. Carradine. Pants is so edgy.

OneZenMom said...

You need an old priest, a young priest, and maybe some sage ... :)

Dilettard07 said...

When I saw that photo in the first split second I figured you had to have harvested it off the 'net somewhere. Then the furniture looked familiar.

This really does have the makings of a horror movie. "Slave of Chuckie" or something.

The Absurdist said...

*ring ring*

"Canedo residence."

Voice: "I would like to talk to your daughter about coming to work for the REDACTED. We understand she has a knack for interrogation techniques. You can reach me at rbcheney@REDACTED"

Be very afraid.

Unknown said...

But she is so sweet looking!! How can this be!?

Brutalism said...

So was Ted Bundy, was Ted Bundy...

Amber Morrison said...

That is the funniest thing ever.

Brutalism said...

Amber - Did you recognize the doll as Baby Charles? Because it is. Baby Charles in a dress.