Thursday, June 09, 2011

Smut Peddlers Redux

When will I learn?

At the end of a long day, when all I want to do is snuggle in with my kid and read her a few books before bedtime that are appropriate for a five-year-old, I'm occasionally blindsided by the filth that children's book authors sneak into their tales.* (Pun not intentional here, but I'm kind of loving it.)

Like last night's bedtime story, "Nate the Great." I'm not even sure where we got this book, and last night was the first time we read it. While I can appreciate that Nate has an open relationship with his mother and can share everything with her, the Puritan in me thinks that he is simply too young for this:

A few pages later, we learn that Nate the Great is forward...and also apparently, into role-playing:

But perhaps the most disturbing part of this "children's book" is the final page:

Of course you like happy endings Nate the Great. And apparently "group activities" involving people named "Fang".

No wonder "rubbers" is plural,

*For more about sneaking filth into tales, see Major Impact.


Ed said...



Sarah said...

I know! It's terrible! One time I was teaching fifth grade and we came across a poem in the reading book called "Summer Hummers" Gross and TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE! Then the poem was all about bees which made no sense at all.

Gilahi said...

Maybe he HAS to wear rubbers (plural) because he's, you know, Nate the GREAT.

Brutalism said...

Ed - You say "Awesome." I say "better start contributing more to the therapy account." (Mine...not hers...)

Sarah - Children's book authors are totally playing us. They really are. Summer Hummers? Seriously?

Gilahi - Fair point. (That pun was totally intended.)

Moooooog35 said...

Nate sounds like my kind of kid.

Brutalism said...

Moooooog - I am going to read your comment in the innocent way...

Anna Lefler said...

Har - I loved that!

And I wanted to say thank you so much for your congratulatory comment on my blog! I truly appreciate that.

Take care and hope all is well...

:-) Anna

ShutUpandRun said...

Wearing condoms? Looking for pussy? What is the world coming to?

OK, your comment on my merkin post had my rolling on the floor dying laughing. Merkins of Hope.

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