Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hopeless Romantic

At an engagement party last night, we were talking to several friends who were at our wedding ten years ago.

One of them told me a story I had shared with her when Canetto and I were planning our wedding (and that I had completely forgotten about).

Back when I was shopping for a wedding dress with my mom, we had different opinions on the style of dress I should get. She liked me in one dress that I just didn't care for, and tried to convince me that it should be a contender by saying, "but it is so feminine and so romantic..."

To which I replied, "Mom. There is no place for romance at my wedding."


robkroese said...

Aww, that's sweet. :)

dilettante07 said...

C'mon, don't sell yourself short! I thought the cake cutting part was really romantic. As was the toast with the groucho glasses.