Wednesday, January 07, 2009

No More Dr. Seuss For Me...

The Real Mother Goose is way more entertaining when you read it as an adult. And not just beause of rhymes about Dick Redcap, Little Pussy and Handsome Cock.

I'm lying. That's exactly why it's more entertaining.


dilettante07 said...

Who knew that Mother Goose was really erotic fiction? Puts a whole new kinky spin on childhood.

Brutalism said...

Also...the rhymes are so totally outdated. I got to the point where I was laughing until I was crying and no sound was coming out while reading these out loud to Avery (because Tim was also in the room and kept saying "these suck" and then Avery would say, "Suck is a bad word, daddy" and then I would continue to laugh/cry. We sure know how to have a good time at our house.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention "Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross"

Dilettard07 said...

I think Banbury Cross is a gay bar somewhere. If not, it should be.