Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gentlemen Prefer GILFs

When she was younger, my mom looked a lot like Marilyn Monroe. So much so that people would stop her in public places and tell her that she should sleep with Kennedys and avoid prescription medication. I kid, they only suggested that she make out with Kennedys and avoid overdosing on prescription medication. Actually, they'd tell her she looked like Marilyn. My family members would often find pictures of Marilyn that looked most like Krennie and give them to her as gifts. Because of this, my mom is a huge Marilyn Monroe fan. She buys herself a calendar every year featuring Norma Jean.

At Christmas time we were at Krennie's house, and she had her 2007 calendar up on the wall. The December picture featured a very Krennie-looking picture of Marilyn in a red sweater. Krennie also happened to be wearing a red sweater that day. As if I had prompted her, my little Pants pointed up at the picture and said, "Mommy -- pick me up so I can see Grandma".

Kids have no filter and say exactly what they think, so it's kind of an understatement to say that this made Krennie's day. As a matter of fact, she said that she was going to her lawyer that day to have her will changed so Avery would inheirit 100% of her estate.

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