Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tomato Tomahto

After writing so many posts and columns in the past two weeks that my hand turned into a lobster claw:
Seriously? I still don't know what is going on there...
I phoned it in tried something new at At Home with Brutalism. The column this week is a photo essay (captions provided by me -- see? there is some writing involved) of our Sunday in Chicago as seen through the lens of Vanessa at Violet Rose Photography.

Check it out. Comment. Delight in the fact that they are announcing winners of this thing next Thursday and that maybe I can shut up about it for another year at that point...



A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

It totally looks like Suzanne LeMignot's lobster claw, turned sideways.

Brutalism said...

Let's go with that, Kady. It is definitely Suzanne Le Mignot's lobster claw...

Ed said...

Now I'm picturing you steamed with a side of butter.