Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Royal Wii

I won a Wii game system at my company's holiday party at the end of last year. To say I am not a fan of time-wasting technologies like this is a tremendous understatement (and also hilariously hypocritical, considering how much time I spend surfing the Internet). In addition to the time sucking factor, I just hate clutter and prefer things of a simpler era that didn't require ten thousand cords and cables and controls and game cartridges. It exhausts me (says the woman who has made a career in marketing).

If it was up to me alone, I would still have a 13-inch television set without a cable hook up. Along with my disc man. As it is, I am married. To a guy who does not share the same philosophies about a lot of things (including the importance of adding whimsy to our family room with this). We went back and forth as to whether we should even keep the Wii. Canetto definitely wanted to open it and play with it...but also agreed that we could give it up if we didn't play with it as much as he thought we would.

Fast forward two months -- we've played with the Wii (not a euphemism) a handful (heh heh) of times. As expected...I just don't understand what is so great about these things. Avery likes the bowling game and Tim has tried the other games, but I think we're all fairly underwhelmed.

Today, a late birthday present arrived for me. It is a Wii Fit. And I must admit that I am very excited to see what this is all about and find out my vitals and all that stuff. So, of course we are now keeping the Wii as I am confident that I will get up every morning and do a Wii workout (so to speak). Talk to me in a couple of months, when I realize it's the technological equivalent of the home exercise bike, just a lot less useful for drying clothes.


dilettante07 said...

If you decide you don't like it, you can give me your Wii. :)

As for the whimsy, say it will add a more manly touch to the living room, and maybe he'll go for it. I think it's a must have.

Brutalism said...

Wii'll see how it goes -- (ha ha -- did you see what I just did right there? I replaced "we" with "Wii" and used it in a contraction) -- good to know Wii (har har -- did it again) can donate it to the Stucco Mansion denizens if necessary.

Thanks for your opinion on the cowboy bench. I cannot believe Wii've (seriously...that's rich) lived without it this long.

Dilettard07 said...

That bench is a $1300 wagon wheel coffee table. Bruno Kirby gave up his dream (well, actually had it in hand) for love, so can you.

Brutalism said...

Dilettard07 - (pulls imaginary knife from lower back) -- it is SO not the "stupid, Roy Rogers, wagon wheel coffee table", you whimsy-hating ne'er do well.

dilettante07 said...

Yeah--it's a goddam work of art. Not some piece of crap bachelor pad cast off. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

I love my wii fit. I admit it goes in spurts, but is a fun way to exercise. Avery could do it with you. My granddaughter does it with me.

Brutalism said...

MBPrehm - I'm a total convert as of my first session. Other than being called "unbalanced" (talk about smart technology) and an "amateur", I really liked it and felt as though I had done something. We set up the avatars for me, Tim and Avery and I did about a 30 minute workout. Yoga is my favorite thus far. Glad to know you use it.

Dilettard07 said...

Wait--the game called you "unbalanced" and an "amateur?" Oh boy, no wonder you are hooked. You are now no doubt hoping to get to the point where it says "superstar!" or "wiinner!"

Brutalism said...

Dilettard07 - it did sprinkle in some "good posture" and "good job" comments...just enough to keep me going...but it is kind of mean...it groans when you step on the balance board (God...I hope that's not just me.)

Macker said...

Your problem is that you haven't tried Tiger Woods Golf for the Wii........it will change your life.

Brutalism said...

Macker - I would prefer a Tiger Woods game that teaches me how to make close to a billion dollars in endorsements. Has Wii developed that one yet? (Duly noted, though. Tim is a golfer and would probably love that.)

dilettante07 said...

How about a game where you get to date Tiger Woods? Carry his clubs, count his money, other euphemisms.

Macker said...

Actually, the game DOES give you endorsement money and prize money. I'm proud to say I currently have 600k in.......errr...umm.....make-pretend Tiger Woods Golf money.