Friday, September 09, 2016

No So Charming

Remember that time I wanted to register my domain name, yet instead of typing the URL for domain registry web site GoDaddy to do so I typed "DoDaddy" by mistake?  

Or the time my daughter was working on a school project and wanted to know whether Spain used Fahrenheit or Celsius as a temperature measure?

"Use the Internet to find out," I said. "A quick Google search will answer that right away," I said.

And it did:

Well, the Internet hath forsaken me yet again.

Last night, while planning for my daughter's birthday party, we were trying to decide what she could give her friends as favors at this year's candy-themed birthday party. I (helpfully) suggested since there would be so much candy and cake at the party, the favors should be something candy-themed rather than actual candy. Say, for instance, an ornament the partygoers could put on a bracelet or necklace. So we used Google to find ideas.

And while in retrospect it makes perfect sense, at the time I was gloriously naive.

"Candy Charms" is, in fact, an excellent porn name.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

And you thought Ramsbottom was bad...

While chatting with friends over the weekend, we discussed summer camps in which our kids participated.

Our friends noted that a few years back, they had registered their son for a week-long sleep away paintball camp -- as he loved playing paintball and they figured it would be fun for him. Besides, it was nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains - what a lovely setting and a fun week away!

However, our friends missed the fine print that also identified this camp as Seventh-day Adventist and vegan. Which means that their (omnivorous, non-churchgoing) son spent seven days playing paintball while praying for a cheeseburger.

I have never run a summer camp, so I'm no expert (although I do know enough to understand that names matter), but I cannot imagine the market that fits into the Seventh-day-Adventist-vegan-paintballers interest area is a very large one.

Then again, summer camp has changed quite a bit in recent years.

Wondering if it is harder to survive the Zombies or the Seventh-day Adventist vegan paintballers,