About Me

My name is Kathleen (do not call me Kathy). I’m married to Tim (“Canetto”) and we have a daughter, Avery, who is a total piece of work somehow eighteen. Also part of our family is Dexter, a jet-black cat who cannot decide if he loves or wants to murder me and Joey the fish Mark the replacement currently no fish named after Ramones.

Tim and I met the first night of our MBA program when he sat next to me in class. At the end of class that night, I asked him to walk me to my car then tried to set him up with several of my girlfriends. For some reason, I thought he was a player and I wanted nothing to do with that. Though, apparently, I wanted that for several of my girlfriends.

I’m a good friend.

When we finally went out, it was the best date I’d ever had. It involved a snow storm and some random person giving us tickets to an Alabama concert. It would have been a tough date to follow under any circumstances, but the second date ended with him vomiting in my car, so the first one pretty easily held up as the best.

I was born in Syracuse, New York, and lived there until I was seven, then moved to Virginia Beach with my family where I lived until I graduated from college. I also lived in London during the height of the mad cow era, and to this day I am prohibited from donating blood because of it. (Updated to add: the restriction of not being able to donate after living in London in the '80s has been lifted and I am now a donor!)

After college, I lived in every Northern Virginia suburb until finally settling in Oakton, which is 15 miles west of Washington, DC. It is exciting to live near the legislative hub of the country, although because I get all of my political news from the internet, the proximity is kind of wasted on me.

I work in communications, marketing, and public relations. I’ve worked for advertising agencies, the concrete lobby, the county government, two Internet start-up companies, a transportation safety company, and a couple of government contractors. I have also been a bartender and an adjunct college professor which were probably my favorite jobs, ever. And, I wrote a paid weekly humor column for more than two years called At Home with Brutalism that ran on both the Oakton Patch and the Vienna Patch (AOL publications) before the Patch started totally sucking.

I will do anything that has the potential to become a great story, which is why I’ve served cocktails at the Vanity Fair Oscar party in LA, rocked the house as the lead singer of the band [sic] at ladies' rock camp in Rhode Island, worked at a Soldier of Fortune convention and the Charlton Heston Celebrity Shoot, was in the Guinness Book of World Records for tap dancing and running a 5-mile race dressed as Santa, started the Dilettante Club, and traveled from DC to Chicago with a PEEPS diorama.

In NYC setting the Guinness World Record for tap dancing.
Or overuse of spray tan products.
I love cities -- my favorite places are New York City, Hong Kong, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles and London. Which explains why I live in the suburbs.

Nothing makes me happier than spending time with Canetto and Ave, travel, GAMES magazine, and sleep.