A nationally-known white supremacist lives about a mile from
my house.
This is surprising to me because we live in northern
Virginia – the small part of Virginia that is densely populated (and reasonable) enough for
Virginia to vote blue. It just doesn’t seem like a place where a white
supremacist might feel welcome or want to settle, especially considering places
like…I don’t know…THE REST OF VIRGINIA exist.
For the record, said supremacist lives in a much swankier
section of our area than I do – apparently spewing hatred is rather lucrative.
I was sharing the knowledge of this person living nearby
with a neighbor friend, who blurted out, “I know! And before I knew who he was,
my daughter went to his daughter’s
birthday party at their house.”
This neighbor happens to be Jewish with a traditionally Jewish last name, and her
daughter was adopted from Central America. And while admittedly I am not
completely familiar with the levels of hatred in the white supremacy lifestyle,
I am rather surprised that a Central American Jew scored a birthday invite.