Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Delusion Is The New Black

Lately, I've had a lot of people not a single person ask me, "Brutalism? How DO you do it all? You maintain two blogs, participate in Dilettante activities, write a weekly column, work full time and have (thus far) raised a non-convict.

And I must say, it is all about balance and doing no actual work at work meth.

Another thing that motivates me and is slightly more legal....medals. Read about it on last week's Oakton Patch column.

Also check out this week's Oakton Patch column. The one that discusses my meth Groupon addiction.

Now, if only there was a meth Groupon,


Stacey said...

I have actually asked you that question, in my head. It's like you're psychic AND accomplished. Sheesh!

Ed said...


Meth helps EVERYTHING.

Well, except your teeth.

Brutalism said...

Trucking T - I feel like Kelly Ripa in those Whirlpool commericals -- which are a blatant ripoff of the Enjoli commercials back in the day. Except that I am not petite, rich or famous. I am married to a Spanish guy -- so we're totally alike.

Ed - Meth Teeth. Say that ten times fast.