Today is my birthday. I began celebrating this birthday a week ago -- with my mom and her husband in Williamsburg and Richmond, where we did this:
and saw this:
and was also what I dubbed the "weekend of disillusionment" as it was the weekend my daughter learned that I am a big, fat liar. (In my defense, I know that she talks about everything with everybody, so when she asked me last year how old I was, I knew this number would be broadcast everywhere.) Therefore, I felt justified in shaving 10 years off the actual number -- a lie I perpetuated for an entire year until my mom pulled out number candles to put on a cake and my daughter learned the difficult truth. And that is she will be disappointed often with me as a mother. (On the bright side, she has to put up with me for 10 fewer years than she initially thought, so it all works out.)
And this weekend, I'm celebrating by doing a lot of fun things with friends.
Last night, went with the
Dilettantes and the
Dilettante spouses to see Todd Glass at the DC Improv.
Todd Glass has been a favorite comedian of mine for a while. Last time we saw him at the DC Improv, my friend, Amy, dared me to get him to sign my chest. Not one to turn down a dare, I accepted:
Klassy. And dear God...could I look more exhausted?
I had a very young child at the time and did not sleep. I have no
explanation for the exceedingly high forehead. |
Shortly after that, Todd came out publicly. I'm confident the two things are unrelated.
This year I kept my jacket on. I didn't want to risk
also turning Daniel Kinno off to the entire gender. |
After the Improv, we went to the
Dirty Martini, where the bartender gave me a complimentary glass of wine. While a nice gesture, I honestly didn't even need the first fishbowl-sized beverage. Two would have made me crazy.
Although not that crazy. |
This morning, we're hosting a brunch at the house for friends we don't get to see often. I get to play hostess and enjoy some day drinking -- two of my favorite things.
Another year celebrating what I value most: family, friends, disappointing those I love, comedy and drinks.
Happy Birthday to me,
P.S. One of my birthday gifts was a yodeling pickle. (Note to self: add this list of things I value most.)