Friday, October 28, 2011

Princess Poopypants

Dramatis personae: Me, Canetto, Avery

Setting: Avery's play room, last night, playing her new "Pretty, Pretty Princess" game

Act I

Me (looking at Canetto and dying as he is decked out in earrings, a bracelet, and a crown): "You are a vision. You make a very lovely princess."

Canetto: "Oh, yeah? Would a lovely princess do this?" (lifts leg, farts)

Avery (screeching and laughing): "You are the worst princess, EVER!"



Dazee Dreamer said...

omg, that is hilarious.

kath said...

You have created the perfect family.

Brutalism said...

Dazee - He really is the worst princess, ever.

Kath - They are pretty great. When they are not annoying me...

dilettante07 said...

short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse! short fuse!

Ed said...

That be the Royal Gas.

Brutalism said...

the sliarei alsie

Brutalism said...

this is my comment

Ragnar said...

Didn't Disney have a movie called Princess Poopypants? Wait, no, that was Queen Shit-her-breeches. Carry on.

Dilettard07 said...

What a coincidence. I was just thinking about Ernest Borgnine and Dutch ovens and thought "I have not checked in with Brütalism in a while..."

HogsAteMySister said...

Where do I buy season tickets?